

Borscht [發音:波兒希] (also borsch, bortsch, or borshch 拼法極多種) is a soup of Ukrainian origin [有烏克蘭血統的湯] that is popular in many Eastern and Central European countries [在東歐跟中歐很常見].


In most of these countries, it is made with beetroot [甜菜根]as the main ingredient [主要食材], giving it a deep reddish-purple color [呈現深紅紫色]. In some countries tomato may occur as the main ingredient [某些國家蕃茄可能用作主要食材]. 但根據火星與金星的連線,用蕃茄煮的borscht是不正確的。

還有,火星與金星的連線也有說,羅宋湯的中文名是因為慈禧太后喜歡喝,問隨從這是什麼湯,隨從說Russian soup,所以就譯音成羅宋湯啦!



*Borscht 有點像台灣人在煮的雜菜湯。要跟東歐人或俄羅斯人交朋友最好的方式就是請人家教你煮borscht,或者是直接跟他們喝vodka吧!


例句:My first memorable encounter with borscht was at a pot-luck party I had in London, in which my friend Anna brought a huge pot of drop-dead delicious, deep purple red soup filled with beets.  我第一次難忘的羅宋湯經驗是我在倫敦去的一場每人要帶一道菜的派對,我朋友Anna帶來一大鍋絕世美味裝滿甜菜深紫紅色的湯。

 * drop-dead是英文的流行用語,意思是XX到極致的意思, 像中文的"要死了",譬如說:Ken's girlfriend is drop-dead hot. (Ken的女朋友真是辣到不行). How can a twit like him hold onto a looker like that? (像他這樣的笨蛋怎麼會把到像那樣的正妹?)



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