
tablet personal computer (Tablet PC) [平板型電腦]is tablet computer having the main characteristics of a personal computer in the tradition of the Microsoft Tablet PC, as a machine operated by an end-user with no intervening computer operator.



A portable tablet PC is equipped with [配備有...] touchscreen [觸控式螢幕as a primary input device and designed to be operated and owned by an individual. The term was made popular as a concept presented by Microsoft in 2001 [這個名詞是微軟在2001年推出這項概念後流行了起來], but tablet PCs now refer to any tablet-sized personal computer, even if it's not using Windows but another PC operating system [但現在任何平板尺寸的電腦,即便不是用Windows作業系統,也都被稱作平板電腦]. Tablets may use virtual keyboards and handwriting recognition for text input through the touchscreen.


All tablet personal computers have a wireless adapter [無線轉接器] for Internet and local network connection [網路連接]. Software applications [軟件] for tablet PCs include office suites [Office套件], web browsers [網路瀏覽器], games and a variety of applications [各種各樣的apps]

Source: wikipedia


Sales of tablet computers like Apple's iPad are expected to soar from nearly 20 million units this year to 55 million next year and over 208 million in 2014, market research firm Gartner said Friday. (市調公司Gartner週五指出,類似iPad的平板電腦今年的銷售量預估會衝到近二千萬台,明年則是五千五百萬台,2014年則會超過二億八百萬台。


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