Bibimbap [韓文跟英文發音:鼻冰吧] is a popular Korean dish [受歡迎的韓國菜]. The word literally means [字面上的意思是] "mixed rice" [拌好的飯]. Bibimbap is served as a bowl of warm white rice [熱白飯盛在碗中上桌] topped with sautéed and seasoned vegetables [上面鋪上嫩煎與調味過的蔬菜] and chili pepper paste [辣椒糊].
A raw or fried egg [生蛋或炒蛋] and sliced meat [切薄的肉片](usually beef) are common additions [是很常見的配料]. The ingredients are stirred together thoroughly before eating [食用前整個拌勻]. It can be served either cold or hot [熱食或冷食皆可].
例句:Bibimbap is one of my favourite dishes and I’d love to learn how to make it myself. 韓式拌飯是我最喜歡的菜之一, 我真希望學會自己做。
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